What To Plant In March-Zones 1-10
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What To Plant In March

Are you wondering what to plant in March? I can hardly wait to get my hands in the soil, what about you? Now that we moved up north we will need to start over with new raised gardens.

It will be easier to grow food here where the weather is more agreeable to gardening. It will be a lot of work and expense this year to redo everything, but I love to garden and go outside in the sunshine.

What To Plant In March

One thing you may want is a cold frame to protect your plants from frost or high winds. This is where I buy my garden seeds: SeedsNow

My friend, Rick Stone, from Our Stoney Acres, is a gardening expert year-round. He even shows how to make a COLD FRAME!! He lives where it snows in the winter, just so you know.

I highly recommend these for seedlings: CowPots and Organic Seedling Soil, this way you plant your seeds and place the CowPots in your garden when the temperatures are right. Check here to find your zone. Note: with the effects, we’re seeing due to climate change, the zone information we’ve always relied upon has seen some changes. If you have any questions, I’d suggest you check with your state’s extension service to see how they might classify your particular location.

How I store my garden seeds: 

Plastic Photo Container and Label Maker

Garden Seed Container

What Does The Term pH Level Mean?

Are you wondering what the term pH level is when gardening? Each plant prefers a different level of acidity to grow the very best harvest. The level of acidity varies between each plant.

Therefore, you can adjust the pH of your soil by adding lime or sulfur to bring it up or down, depending on what your soil needs.

You can have your soil tested, possibly by your state extension service, or try and do it yourself with a soil tester. pH Tester

Soil Amendments

Improve your garden’s soil by adding a few inches of organic matter such as grass clippings, decaying leaves, and manure. When your garden’s soil is fertile, your flowers and vegetables will grow better, so that should be more than enough reason to make sure you take this step. This is my favorite soil, Dr. Q’s Organic Vegetable & Herb Planting Mix (I buy it at my local nursery).

The first thing we need to do is pull any weeds that have come up since the last time you turned over the soil. Dig out any leftover crops that you may have missed the last time you harvested.

Turn the soil several times and add the following amendments, if you need them. You may remember I have raised garden beds because I don’t want to bend down as far to work my garden anymore.

I’m adding two more raised beds this year, I feel an urgency to raise more food for my family. This is my favorite soil, I would check to see if you can buy it where you live, It’s fabulous!!

What to Plant In March Soil

Azomite Micronized Bag, 44 lb

Coco Coir Block

Soil Builder Earthworm Castings

Organic Bone Meal

Organic Vermiculite

What to Plant in March By Zone

I realized recently that I mostly posted on what to plant each month based on where I lived, but not everyone lives here! So, I wanted to share with you what to plant by zone as well.

Zone 1-2

There isn’t a lot that you can plant in zones 1 and 2 during March, but you can start a few things. Here are some you can try:

  • Asparagus
  • Celery
  • Chives
  • Endive
  • Leeks
  • Radishes

Zone 3

It’s probably still pretty chilly in Zone 3 during March, but there are additional items you can start planting. You can start with the following:

  • Onions
  • Tomato
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel Sprout Seeds

Zone 4

Zone 4 is a lot like Zone 3, so you can plant the same things, along with a few more. Here is a list:

  • Peppers
  • Egg Plants
  • Onions
  • Tomato
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel Sprout Seeds

Zone 5

In Zone 5, some things need to start indoors, whereas others can go straight into the garden. You will, however, want to make sure you use cold frames to protect against any unexpected frost that can happen in Zone 5.

Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants will need to be started indoors and transplanted into your garden at the end of March or early April. Here is a list of things you can plant outdoors:

  • Potatoes
  • Peas
  • Lettuce
  • Radishes
  • Carrots

Zone 6

It may not be the ideal time to start planting in Zone 6. However, if the weather is mild, you can start planting roses, trees, and shrubs. Additionally, the following can be moved outdoors:

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower

Zone 7

In Zone 7 the weather is milder, so you have a few more options for what you can plant in your garden. Be sure to plant the following around mid-month:

  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Kohlrabi
  • Radishes
  • Lettuce
  • Turnips
  • Swiss Chard

Additionally, you can transplant the following from indoors to outdoors:

  • Onions
  • Shallots
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Collards
  • White potatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Chives
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
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Zone 8

Nights can still be pretty chilly in Zone 8, so make sure you have row covers and windbreaks on hand. Plant the following in March:

  • Spinach
  • Turnips
  • Mustard
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli

In mid-month, you can begin planting the following:

  • Corn
  • Tomatoes
  • Squash
  • Peppers
  • Cucumbers

Zone 9

Like Zone 8, you can plant quite a bit in Zone 9 due to it being quite warm in March. It may be cool in the evenings. But, for the most part, you don’t have to worry much in zone 9. Here’s what you can plant:

  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Radishes
  • Asian Greens
  • Lettuce
  • Parsley

Additionally, you can move the following from indoors to outdoors in mid-March:

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Eggplants

Zone 10

It is pretty warm in Zone 10 during March. So, you can plant warm-weather plants at this time. Here is a list of what you can plant:

  • Okra
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mustard
  • Collard greens
  • Cucumbers
  • Melons

What To Plant In March

I’m starting my seedlings right now inside my home. I have never bought the lights that people use to keep their plants warm, and it always seems to work out.

I do have a lot of good sunshine coming through our windows and that is a HUGE help to germinating these seeds. I only buy USDA Certified Organic Non-GMO seeds that are produced by professional growers.

1. Beets

When prepping the soil for planting beet seeds, please don’t neglect the needs of these red beauties. They prefer well-drained soil, never clay as I have here in Southern Utah, which is too heavy for the large roots to grow.

If your soils are hard it may cause the beet to be tough and not be the best vegetable to cook and eat.

The temperature must be at least 40 degrees F. (4 C) to plant the seeds for them to germinate. Beets don’t like the hot weather and do poorly in the high temps.

When the soil is ready, plant the seeds 1 to 2 inches apart cover the seeds with soil and sprinkle with water. In about 7 to 14 days you will start to see a few sprouts.

Thin as needed to keep the roots a good size for harvesting. You may want to plant some beet seeds every 2-3 weeks to have a good harvest for a longer period to time.

You can plant them in partial shade, but make sure the soil depth is at least 6-8 inches to produce really good roots. The beets are ready to harvest in about 8 weeks.

When ready to dig them, gently remove the soil around each root. The greens can be harvested when the beets are young and the root is small.

pH level for Beets: 6.0-7.5

Plant In March

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is a very hardy vegetable and you can typically have two crops per season (spring and fall). Broccoli needs at least 6 hours of sunshine each day, so plant the seeds where they will get the proper sunlight.

Broccoli seeds need to be planted at least 18 inches apart and in rows that are 24 inches wide. They need almost 1.5 inches of water per week if the rainfall doesn’t cover it.

The ideal temperature for broccoli is between 65 and 80 degrees. The soil must be well-drained for the best growth. To be sure about the soil, have it tested or purchase a soil kit.

Watch for the flower head beginning to form in the middle of the plant every day. If the buds start to turn yellow, cut the head from the stem. You will still see small shoots grow that are great to harvest.

pH level for Broccoli: 6.0-7.0

3. Carrots

Carrots like smooth, loamy soil with nutrients added as shown above. I like to moisten the soil slightly and sprinkle the seeds over the soil and cover them with compost.

Keep the rows about 3 inches apart and stagger planting the seeds over two to three weeks to have an abundant harvest for the season.

If you live where the heat is intense, be careful as carrots don’t like to dry out. If you water them by hand for two to three weeks after planting the seeds you will soon see the little sprouts.

This is when you will fertilize with some Miracle-Gro Fertilizer and thin the carrots as needed. Use mulch to cover them if you live where the summers are extremely hot.

pH level for Carrots: 5.5-7.0

Plant In March

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a cool-season crop, however, it’s a bit more temperamental than broccoli. The trick is having cool temps consistently to produce crops with larger heads like those grown in coastal neighborhoods.

Cauliflower likes temps around 60 degrees, if the temperatures get too hot or too cold, it stresses the plants and produces tiny buds.

Plant the seeds about 18 inches apart with rows 30 inches wide. Cover the seeds with soil and compost. Water the seeds gently.

When the cauliflower heads are about two inches in diameter, cover them with their leaves, if possible, to shade and protect them. Ideally, the head will grow to 6-7 inches in diameter.

pH level for Cauliflower: 5.5-7.5

5. Celery

Celery seeds are so tiny you may want to mix them with sand before sprinkling them over the loamy, well-drained soil described above with nutrients added.

The temperatures need to be at least 50 degrees F. (10 C) before you plant the seeds. Cover the seeds with a little bit of soil and sprinkle the seeds with water.

They like to be planted shallowly. Once you see some sprouts you will want to thin them. They will not tolerate a drought at all.

Read More of My Articles  How To Grow Sweet Corn From Start To Finish

They need a lot of water, so keep that in mind where you plant them. Please fertilize regularly to have the best harvest.

pH level for Celery: 5.8-7.0

6. Lettuce

Add the amendments above to the soil where you will plant your lettuce seeds. The nice thing about lettuce is it’s so easy to grow and sprouts up pretty fast.

Just make sure the soil is loosened, loamy, and well-drained. Lettuce loves nitrogen and potassium, so keep your eye on the leaves as they start to grow.

Work in a lot of organic matter or compost. Lettuce matures in 55 to 60 days. Romaine takes longer to mature, and so do head lettuce types.

Plant the seeds about 1/4 inch deep, tamp them in the soil, and water them in. Easy and simple. Read the package to space according to the lettuce you choose.

Seeds will not germinate in soils above 80 degrees F. or warmer. You can start some seeds indoors and transplant the seedlings into a shady spot when the weather is too hot outside.

You may want to choose heat-resistant varieties if you live where the temperatures get too hot in the summer. It’s better to pick early than late because the leaves become bitter.

pH level for Lettuce: 6.0-7.0

7. Onions

Plant the onion sets about one inch deep with the bulb end facing down about 5-6 inches apart. The onions’ growth will depend on how much sunshine they will have.

“Long Day” onions need 10-14 hours of sun each day. “Short Day” onions need 10 hours of sunshine to grow correctly. “Day Neutral” onions will grow very well regardless of how many hours of sunshine they have.

ONIONS: “Long Day”=Zone 6 and colder areas. “Short Day”=Zone 7 and warmer. “Day Neutral”=they can grow anywhere but perform better in zones 5 and 6. Consistent soil moisture and good fertilizer is key to growing the best onions.

pH level for Onions: 5.5-6.5

8. Peas

Peas prefer cool weather, so March is a good month to plant your peas. You can plant them as soon as you can work your soil. If the soil temperatures are 10-20 degrees C or 50-70 degrees F that is best.

The best time to sow peas is mid-February clear until the end of May. Of course, you can plant them again in July through mid-August, depending on how hot it is.

If your soil is moist or damp do not soak your peas, you don’t need to. I have never soaked my peas.

Make sure your soil has the amendments it needs. I prefer bush peas, but that’s because those are the ones that seem the sweetest.

My favorite ones are called Little Marvel. They only grow about two feet tall, and that works for me. They are sweet to the taste and can be harvested in about 60 days.

You may want to trellis them. Plant the seeds about 4-6 inches apart and 1/2 to 1 inch deep.

pH level for Peas: 6.0-7.5

9. Radishes

I like the radish called Red Champion because they are larger and has bright red skin. They grow in small areas and the days to maturity are 25-30 days.

Another one I like is called Pink Beauty because the white flesh is crisp and mild. They grow really well in pots or containers. Their days to maturity are 25-30 as well.

I just sprinkle the seeds over the soil, do a slight soil coverup, and sprinkle with water. If you stagger the planting days you will have several days of freshly picked radishes to harvest and enjoy.

pH level for Radishes: 6.0-7.0

Plant In March

10. Spinach

I plant New Zealand spinach seeds because they can withstand the heat of Southern Utah. It’s a large growing plant, but I make salads, and smoothies, and freeze a lot of spinach for the year.

This is one spinach variety that grows from spring to fall without any issues. The more I cut it back the more it grows, literally. Days to maturity are 75 days.

Here again, make sure your soil has the amendments above and you turn over the soil again and again. Plant the seeds at least one foot apart and the rows two feet apart.

pH level for Spinach: 6.0-7.5

Plant In March

How To Hand Pollinate

Hand Pollinating

All you need is a paintbrush or cotton swab (see above). If you need to hand pollinate because you are not seeing any fruit develop, here is something you may want to try. You do this by removing the male blossom (male blossoms don’t have fruit behind them). They produce pollen leaving the center covered in the pollen to collect with the brush or swab. Use a brush or swab to apply the pollen you collected to the center of the female flower. This works for squash, melons, and cucumbers every time.

Please Check Out What To Plant Each Month:

Final Word

I hope today’s post about what to plant in March inspires you to start a garden if you haven’t already. You can try planting in the ground, in pots, in planter bags, and in raised gardens.

Don’t forget to look for community gardens in your area. They are great for getting to know your neighbors. I love, love, love Farmer’s Markets, but my gut tells me I need to grow food in my own yard.

What are you thinking right now about raising your own food? I wish I had more land, but that’s not going to happen. May God bless this world. Linda

Where I Buy My Seeds: SeedsNow

Copyright Images: Healthy Lettuce Deposit photos_6553021_s-2019

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  1. Linda, your gardening posts have been an inspiration!

    I took a class in February on “Starting Seeds”. Have been trying my hand at that. So far have tons of little cherry tomatoes, some yellow squash and a single Ukranian tomato sprouting. I started more tomatoes, roselle and herbs yesterday. Will be starting cucumbers and a different squash later in the week.

    I am recycling some old animal feed troughs into container gardens this year. One has 4 divided areas, the other is 10′ long, 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep. Hubby drilled drainage holes in these, then I added a few inches of gravel and the homemade garden or potting soil that’s much better than storebought.

    In the smaller trough, I’ve transplanted bibb lettuce and direct seeded radishes, beets and a leaf lettuce blend. All are growing nicely.

    In the 10 ft long trough, I planted garlic bulbules ( seeds), a nice selection of mixed carrots and then more garlic cloves. I think the garlic seeds will take 2 years to produce, so I added garlic cloves so we should get a harvest this year, too.

    I will be trying potatoes again and sprouting a couple of sweet potatoes indoors so I can have starts in a new raised bed this month. And I am trying Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes) this year.

    Happy gardening from NW Florida!

    1. Hi BDN, oh my gosh, what a great idea on the animal troughs!!! I love it! Oh, it makes me so happy to hear you are have seedlings growing! Life is so good when we grow our own food! Linda

  2. On amending the soil, how large are the raised beds that you are adding this combination? Thanks Nina

  3. Got the family garden plowed and tilled last weekend while it was 70. Now I’m waiting on the ice storm to be done so I can start lettuce in the ground.
    I’ll be starting my seedlings in the house this week too.

  4. Hi Linda! I’m not the gardener in the family, but the husband got seeds started indoors last week. We are already seeing little green plants poking through the soil. I can’t wait for spring and I can’t wait to start canning again. I really love to do that. Also, on this very cold winter day, I just opened a jar of peaches that were canned last summer. They sure beat the store-bought stuff!

    1. Hi Paula, oh my gosh, I love hearing you can see the green poking through in the plants. Oh, my gosh there is nothing better than home-canned peaches! Life is so good! Linda

  5. I have tried gardening a few times. I don’t have a Green thumb. My family says I have a black thumb, the thumb of death. I stay out of the garden. I may point and let them them know what I would like. I am pretty much banned. I do graze sometimes when no one is around. I am the chief cook and bottle washer. I think I will make my husband a cold frame this spring. He is the avid gardener.

  6. Linda,

    I’m in Zone 8b, but as you know I’ve been harvesting cool weather crops I planted last Fall all winter. It’s time for me to plant more of them but we’re getting lows in the low 20’s at night now so I’ll give it few more days. Usually the plastic covers over my PVC hoop houses keep the soil temperatures warm enough for me to plant cool weather crops from September through March, but with those lows I’m not going to chance it.

    Next to adequate moisture, the most important thing for proper germination is soil temperature. For cool weather crops it’s best if the soil temp is above 45F and 50F or more is best. For warm weather crops I’ve found a soil temp above 55F works but around 60 or even 70 is best (especially for tender crops like cucumbers and tomatoes).

  7. Welp we gonna try everything again. I’ll be preparing the soil after the next snow and hopefully we will have moisture and not 110 degree heat again this year.

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