15 Surprising Uses for Eggshells

The next time you make breakfast or bake a cake, I’d encourage you to hold onto your eggshells instead of throwing them out. An eggshell has many other unique uses besides containing an egg yolk for cooking. Here are 15 surprising uses for eggshells in your home and garden.  In case you missed this post,…
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15 Surprising Uses for Eggshells for Your Home and Garden

Hi, I’m Linda.

I’m the owner and editor of Food Storage Moms. I’m so happy you’ve found us. Our goal at Food Storage Moms is to help “one family at a time.”My main goal is to help you through this without having you feel overwhelmed and to help you see that it can actually be fun! I encourage you to not go out and spend thousands of dollars right away, but to work at it a day at a time.