10 Hygiene and Sanitation Tips for a Disaster

10 Hygiene and Sanitation Tips for a Disaster

I have 10 hygiene and sanitation tips for a disaster today. Practicing good hygiene and sanitation is essential, especially during a disaster. While it’s not necessarily the first thing on a person’s mind when going through something so severe, it’s crucial because poor hygiene and improper sanitation steps can cause disease, infections, and significant health problems. If you’d like to keep your family healthy, safe, and protected during major catastrophic events, these ten hygiene and sanitation tips can help you.

10 Hygiene and Sanitation Tips for a Disaster

10 Hygiene and Sanitation Tips for a Disaster

1. Have a Commode or Makeshift Toilet Available

It’s always beneficial to have a commode or makeshift toilet available to use. If a disaster occurs and you don’t have access to a restroom, you need a safe space to go to the bathroom. When available, you can use the commode, that is the best option. If you’re unable to get one or don’t have the budget for one, you can create a makeshift DIY porta-potty toilet using a large bucket with a toilet seat attached to it.

It’s much easier to buy a portable travel toilet than it is to make one from scratch. No matter what you decide, ensure you have somewhere to use the bathroom that isn’t open. This is one of the most vital hygiene and sanitation tips out there. Portable Travel Toilet

Please stock bleach; it’s suitable for 9-12 months. Look for the variety that says it’s a disinfectant (and without fragrance). I quote Clorox: How to Tell When a Bleach Bottle Was Made

2. Stock Up on Hand Sanitizer

Start stocking up on hand sanitizer. It doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy dozens of bottles. However, it’s a good idea to grab it whenever you can find it on sale. If you’re getting hand sanitizer at a discounted price, you can stock up on it and have it available if a disaster occurs.

It’s the best way to kill germs and bacteria during a disaster, especially if you don’t have access to clean water or soap. Look for alcohol-based hand sanitizer since alcohol is effective in killing germs. In case you missed this post, Why You Should Make Your Hand Sanitizer + DIY Recipe

3. Keep Containers of Water in the House

While it’s essential to have water available to drink during a disaster, don’t forget about storing extra water for washing hands and bathing. If you’re unable to use the faucet, it’s good to have water that you can pour over your hands, along with soap that you can use to kill harmful germs and bacteria. Although you need filtered or purified water to drink, the water you use to wash your hands and body doesn’t necessarily need to be filtered.

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4. Grab Hand/Body Soap While It’s On Sale

Start collecting hand and body soap while it’s on sale. It’s something you’ll need to have to keep yourself and your loved ones clean during a disaster. While you can grab liquid options, make sure to have soap bars available because they tend to last a bit longer than the liquid versions. In case you missed this post, Why You Should Wash Your Hands Often

5. Save and Use Old Plastic Shopping Bags

When shopping at different stores, save the plastic bags because you can put them to good use during a disaster. For example, if you need somewhere to dispose of fecal matter from the commode or makeshift toilet, you can use a plastic bag.

You’d empty the toilet into the plastic bag, seal it shut, and then place it in a large container with a lid to keep it out of the way. It’s one of the best ways to keep things sanitary when you can’t access a traditional bathroom toilet and sink.

6. Put an Old Diaper Genie to Good Use During an Emergency

If you have an old Diaper Genie, you used for diapers when your children were younger, don’t get rid of it. You might need it in the middle of a disaster. When you have those feces from cleaning the toilet after using the restroom, you can put the bags in the old Diaper Genie.

It will keep the area from smelling bad while keeping the germs at bay. It might not seem like something you need now, but it’s a valuable item in the middle of a disaster, so make sure to get one if you don’t have one. I’m sure you can make a DIY one with a good lid.

7. Set Up a Sanitation Station

Choose a specific area of the home to use as a sanitation station. Even if it’s just a corner in the basement, it’s better than nothing. You can place the soap, sanitizer, and clean water to wash your hands and body in the sanitation station. You will want to make sure you choose an area that isn’t close to the spots where you and your loved ones will sit down to eat when hungry.

This sanitation station should include an area you could consider your hand washing station to perform proper handwashing. If clean tap water isn’t available, you’ll need to use the hand sanitizer mentioned above as one of your needed emergency sanitation supplies. I’d suggest you consider ways to filter or otherwise treat the water you want to use. Some systems are designed for treating the water for personal hydration. That water should be appropriate to use to clean wounds, cuts, or burns since you want to remove germs, viruses, and various bacteria.

Read More of My Articles  How to Utilize a Pool in an Emergency

I’d recommend products from Big Berkey and PortaWell when evaluating filtering systems to generate potable water for disease control. Yes, you can use the old standby approach to boil the water to make it a safer water supply, but that can take time and fuel resources.

I remember writing a post on sanitation, and a reader mentioned I should buy a kind of BLEACH, a hospital cleaning product, but it was better because it has a ten-year shelf-life. I didn’t have the money to purchase it back then. Does anyone remember what it was? Thank you to whoever recommended the product. It was not the stuff for swimming pools. I believe it is this: Steramine Quaternary Sanitizing Tablets, Case of 6

8. Keep Food Away From the Sanitation Area

Always make sure to keep any food away from the sanitation area. To provide food safety and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, you don’t want the germs from that area to get on your food. If bacteria and germs accumulate on the food you’re eating with loved ones, you’re putting that into your mouth, and it could make you and your family sick. Please don’t leave any food out in the open, where it could get compromised and cause illness.

If you still have power to your home, use the refrigerator and/or freezer to protect food. This is critical if you have perishable food. If you have food stored for longer periods that you consider your emergency food supply, they’re safer since they are kept in commercially packaged containers, but you still need to be aware of urine being splashed on the floor or close cabinets.

9. Have a Stockpile of Feminine Hygiene Products

Whether you’re the only female in the household or not, having a stockpile of feminine hygiene products available is a must. You should have pads, panty liners, tampons, and disposable wipes that will make it easier to stay clean during that time of the month as you strive for proper personal hygiene.

There is nothing more complicated than experiencing a menstrual cycle in the middle of a disaster and not having anything to use to keep the flow under control. You can also make some How To Make Reusable Menstrual Pads.

10. Use Adult Diapers If Need Be

Don’t be ashamed to buy and use adult diapers in an emergency. If you’re limited on space or have a large family with multiple people who may need to use the bathroom at once, the adult diapers can be handy. You can grab them while they’re on sale or use coupons to get them for a lower price, stocking up on them just in case you end up needing them in the future. This might seem like a weird hygiene and sanitation tip, but it works!

What are some other products to stock for proper hygiene and sanitation?

Some items I’d suggest you for sure have in your emergency response kit would be:

  • Baby wipes
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Heavy-duty plastic garbage bags with ties that are suitable for trash and waste disposal, including human waste
  • Masks
  • Goggles
  • Disposable gloves
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes for all family members
  • First aid kit

Final Word

These are critical hygiene and sanitation tips if you are with or without power in a disaster. It’s a good idea to gather essential items now because you don’t know when you might need to use them. If you get what you need, you’ll be prepared for any serious event that could occur. What hygiene and sanitation tips would you like to share with me? May God Bless this world, Linda.

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  1. Linda, great list! I keep these all on hand. You can empty your toilet of water and place a trash bag inside and use it for a toilet. Be sure to place some cat litter in the bottom to absorb urine. I keep baby wipes stocked up for whatever is needed. I’ve used them for a “spit bath”. And use them after using the bathroom. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Or so I’ve been told all my life..

  2. I think I’ve posted this before. IF you travel and stay in hotels, motels, etc, Grab the little toiletries they (sometimes) provide. DH and I did a LOT of traveling when we were younger and working. I always brought my own toiletries(allergies) so I would take the little ones and donate to them to the shelters when we got a bagful. It’s amazing how those things add up AND if stored properly the soap does last quite awhile.Now I see some of the hotels are donating the UNUSED toiletries to their local shelters, etc.

    1. Hi Kathy, a great reminder to all of us. They are great to gather up and donate. I love hearing the hotels are donating the unused ones. This is awesome! Linda

      1. Yes I was glad to see that too. Especially when hotels change ownership, what do ya do with the old logo-ed stuff. They obviously can’t use it, so they donate it.

  3. Linda, we bought an adjustable bedside potty chair at a yard sale, disinfected it & put it away. It got used when we had some plumbing repairs in the bathroom that took a couple extra days to resolve several years ago. Since then its been loaned to family members after surgeries, disinfected & put away until the next need.

    Things like this are frequently found in thrift stores, yard & estate sales at very reasonable prices. … $5 – 15 in my area in NW Florida. The kitty litter & trash bag method would work quite well with the bedside potty chair. And these chairs are usually more stable than the 5 gallon bucket .

    Just fyi, we are seeing limited stock at the local Walmart on a lot of things….. most recently underwear for both men & women. Things like beef bologna & canned sardines are also hit or miss at many of the stores in our area.

    1. Hi BDN, I lent mine out (two knee replacements) and the people moved and took mine with them. Dang, it! Great reminder, I need to get another one. I took a picture yesterday of the pasta section, empty or nearly empty. Luckily I found my Ditalini. I hope people realize we have hard times coming. Underwear, wow, things are crazy right now. Stay safe, Linda

  4. As far as bleach, we purchased some bleach crystals that will last a long time, and very concentrated too.

  5. Greetings from Western NC. Linda, I recently took your advice from one of your earlier newsletters and ordered the “Poo.” I am a little too excited about it’s arrival tomorrow!
    Thank you for all you do to educate us. All the best!

    1. Hi D. May, oh my gosh did you get snow? My friend sent me pictures the got 6 inches in NC. Thank you for your kind words, I will look for the “Poo”, love new ideas I missed. Linda

  6. This is one topic we have covered. We discussed using our guest bathroom as our emergency bathroom. The commode fits in the walk in shower if necessary. There’s a large closet that can hold everything needed. I am dedicated to Bath and Body Works, as my cabinets will confirm. We also have an attached two car garage with plenty of space for storage and privacy. I do want to cover the row of windows with some contact paper.

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