How To Make Reusable Menstrual Pads

How To Make Reusable Menstrual Pads

It’s all about how to make reusable menstrual pads today. Are you prepared for that time of the month? You know that topic (Maturation) no one wants to talk about, typically. But, hey, it’s life and we need to be ready if the stores are closed or the shelves at those stores are empty, right? I look back to when I was younger and I had to purchase tampons or menstrual pads.

Why was I embarrassed to throw those items in the shopping basket? Now, I think what’s the big deal? But I didn’t think that back when I was 16 or 17 years old. I really start to giggle that I even worried about that sort of thing, but I did.

Now I could walk down the grocery store aisle with them piled high with all the glory of knowing I have tampons and menstrual pads for my guests or the neighborhood after a major disaster. Oh, how life changes for the good, right?

Be Ready to Help Others

Have you had your kids or grandkids come to the house and someone whispers, “Do you have any tampons or pads grandma?” Yep, I sure do in the cupboard. I’m a preparedness chick, remember?

Now, today, let’s talk about the tampons and the pads, please stock a few boxes or packages just in case a visitor needs some, whether you no longer need them or not. Thank goodness, I’m past that period of time in my life. Hallelujah!

Here’s the deal, I am going to share with you how you can make your own reusable menstrual pads. Now, some people may think this is a weird idea. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.

What if we are unable to go to the store after a disaster and you are totally out of tampons or pads? Now what? Oh yeah, we could roll up a washcloth and put it in our panties if we had to. You may need a small bucket to store them until you wash them.

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After a grid down we could wash them by hand, we may have to wash cloth diapers, so it’s better to be prepared BEFORE we need them and we can’t purchase them.

There’s No Shame in Trying a New Approach

I can hear some people saying, there is no way I am making these, let alone going to use them. I get it, I really do. But on the other hand, I raised my daughters on cloth diapers. I have heard young mothers say, there is no way I am using cloth diapers. I get it, I do.

But, if the store shelves are empty, are you prepared for what I call Plan B (cloth diapers, safety pins, and rubber pants). Just something to think about. They are washable and reusable and cheaper in the long run and better for the environment and landfill.

These are pretty reasonable, I bought some cheaper diaper pins and I can’t even open them so be careful when you purchase diaper pins if you decide you may need to store them. And don’t forget the rubber pants.

I have seen some pretty fancy reusable diapers, but I’m too cheap to buy those. Gerber Birdseye 3-Ply Prefold Cloth Diapers, White, Pack of 10 I would check your local store for some rubber pants to cover the diapers, along with some GOOD diaper pins.

Brenda suggested: double-stick tape, I love this!

Menstrual  Pads

What you’ll need to make these:

Flannel, old nightgowns, old flannel shirts, or some yards of flannel purchased at your local fabric store.

Filler to put inside the flannel outside layers so they will absorb a little more each month. Warm & Natural Cotton Batting-Crib Size 45″X60″


A sewing machine that has a zigzag stitch. Ask a neighbor if you don’t have a sewing machine, and make it a neighborhood project. Order bagels and serve milk and juice. Make it a project everyone can do.

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Scissors, a cutting board, or a rotary cutter all work. Anyone who sews has these items.

Here’s the deal I have seen some online reusable menstrual pads with wings or flaps. That’s too complicated for me, but if you want to add a flap that would be easy. I’m a shortcut chick, if it’s complicated I won’t make them. That’s how I roll. It has to be easy. Mine is a rectangle shape, easy peasy. Keep in mind, you can make these smaller in size and thicker for those heavier flow days.

time of the month

You can see above I cut some pink flannel into 12-inch sections.

time of the month

Then I cut the pink flannel into 4-inch sections. Therefore these are simple, 4-inch by 12-inch pieces of pink flannel and the same size of batting. The batting is very absorbent so I used one flannel backside up, layered two pieces of the batting, and layered the last piece of flannel right-side up. They are now ready to zigzag the edges. Easy peasy. If you need them thicker, add another layer of batting. Awesome! Cheap! Soft and reusable!

time of the month

Here they are from left to right, flannel, two layers of batting, the stack ready to sew, the pinned menstrual pad for the time of the month, and the finished one that was zigzagged around. The farthest one on the right is the store-purchased throw-away kind. I then used my ruler and left-handed rotary cutter to even the edges after sewing.

They are washable and will save you so much money! It’s all about saving money, being prepared for that time of the month and never running out of menstrual pads. May God bless you for being prepared for the unexpected. Someone in your neighborhood or family will need these, I promise! May God Bless this world, Linda

P.S. these would be great for older people who may have a little incontinence.

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  1. Thanks for mentioning the unmentionable, Linda. My little granddaughter is growing up fast & will soon need these items. Yes, you’ve done it again–I never thought to store some of these for her!

  2. I love this post! I’m one of the ones that have an issue with incontience. I am preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. thank you so much for this post and all the others.

    1. Hi Deborah, you are not alone! Trust me people don’t talk about it but so many have an issue with incontinence. Thank you for your kind words, that means so much to me! Linda

      1. I have made some of the cloth menstrual pads. I don’t need them, but they will be good bartering items. I just wanted to make some. I love making new things to see if I can. I do feel that we live in a throw-away time. I don’t want to contribute to our landfills anymore than I have to.

  3. I’m wondering how the menstrual pads attach to the panty? I like your pattern, but not sure how they stay in place when using them. Thanks!

    1. Hi Tana, they do not attach to the panty but they are extra long and hopefully will stay in place. I know some girls that have tried them out and love them. They used my pattern and made them in darker colors but I had the light pink and blue flannel for baby quilt gifts so I used it. I have hundreds to hand out when needed. I have seen a pattern with “wings” but I wanted to make them quickly so I made them longer hoping they will stay in place. Linda

      1. Thank you! I will make a couple and have my daughter and granddaughter try them. I think I actually like the paler colors like the blues and pinks in these. I had not heard of using quilt batting though before. Good idea! Thank you again. I appreciate your posts!

        1. Hi, Tana, I used the cotton batting because I had some and thought it might absorb more. I wish I had thought of these when my four daughters were growing up. I would have saved so much money!!! Thank you for your awesome comment! Linda

      2. Way back before they made menstrual pads with sticky backs, I used safety pins to hold them in place. Back then we were supposed to use a sort of harness thing that went around our waist and attached to the pads. I don’t remember exactly what they were like, but I remember I hated them. Safety pins work great. Maybe we should all store up a bunch of them, as they also work when zippers and buttons break. Many uses.

      3. Mine have wings and snaps to adhere to the panties. You can also get waterproof fabric to keep them from leaking on your clothes. I used some on the outside bottom area on some of mine. I’ll probably make some more before long. I like the saying, “One is None and Two is One” when prepping for whatever life throws at us.

    2. Hi, Just a small suggestion, when I was a young girl the machines at school included two small safety pins in the box with the pad. You could include safety pins with the handmade pads. Also, girls used to have belts that held the pads, but you would have to attach small tabs on each end to use it this way. Hope this helps some.

      1. Hi, Donna, oh my gosh, I remember the belts that held the pads in place. I was thinking about the safety pins too! Great minds think alike, great tip! I love it! Linda

        1. Linda, Just a an idea you may want to share. Double stick tape. You may use this for many other things also. Just peel and stick. Easy on and easy off ! Have fun !! Brenda

  4. I am in my mid-forties and I remember using the menstrual belt thing to hold the pads in place back in the mid-’80s when I was in the hospital bc that is what they had. Although I no longer need any of this for myself, but if I did I might consider using the menstrual cup as its reusable as well as cloth pads too.

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