Wooden Wagon

Invaluable Tools Necessary for Transporting Emergency Supplies

Are you looking for invaluable tools necessary for transporting emergency supplies? I want you to think about something for a moment. While you may have all the prepping supplies that you can possibly think of that would help keep your family safe during an emergency situation, there still may be that one vital tool you’re forgetting. For instance, if you’re ever forced to flee your home, how do you plan on transporting your prepping supplies from point A to point B if the fuel supply has already run out? Of course, you may be able to get by for a while but eventually, you would no longer be able to depend on any type of gas-powered vehicle.

Invaluable Tools Necessary for Transporting Emergency Supplies

Invaluable Tools Necessary for Transporting Emergency Supplies

That doesn’t mean everything that comes on wheels would be out of the question. For instance, a wheelbarrow, wagon, or yard cart would be extremely useful to assist you with moving large and heavy loads. Keep reading to find out more about why these invaluable tools would be absolutely necessary for transporting your emergency supplies.

Transporting Your Drinking Water Supply

Hopefully not, but there may come a day when you’ll need to transport your drinking water from your home to your “bug-out” location or makeshift shelter. What you need to take into account is that a single gallon of water weighs approximately 8 pounds and a 5-gallon water jug weighs 40 pounds while the containers themselves aren’t exactly small and compact. So, if you’ve stored enough water for each of your family members, you’ll need a wagon or wheelbarrow to make this task a whole lot easier instead of making countless trips on foot. 10 Essential Tools Every Homesteader Should Have

Transporting Emergency Supplies & Anything That’s Heavy

It’s a given that you’ll need to transport many other emergency items and supplies that are just as heavy, if not heavier than water. For instance, if you’ve stored or scavenged certain materials such as cement blocks, metal rods, wood logs, and other types of building supplies; these will be too unwieldy and awkward in size for your arms to carry alone. And not to mention,  your back will hurt tremendously at the end of day one. 

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Game/Deer Hauler

Hunting may be something that you plan on doing as a means to provide food for your family when a trip to the grocery store is no longer available to you. But again, a deer isn’t exactly light, is it?  So, if you’re ever successful with your hunt, having a wheelbarrow or yard cart will be essential to help you transport the game from the forest back to your bug-out location. 7 General Hunting Laws You Should Know

Transporting Firewood

Another bulky item that you’ll be needing for cooking and for warmth is firewood. Whether you’ve already gathered a huge supply of firewood or you plan on chopping down a tree after the situation presents itself, a wheelbarrow or wagon is something you’ll be glad you had.The Best Way to Dry Firewood Quickly

Make Gardening a Whole Lot Easier

Chances are, you’ll never have to use a wagon or wheelbarrow to improve your family’s survival odds. In the meantime, why not get yourself a wagon, wheelbarrow, or yard cart so you can use it the way it was originally intended? These transporting methods can help you move dirt, make transplanting easier,  and help you move big bags of soil, fertilizer, or other types of gardening supplies. And if a post-apocalyptic world were ever to show its ugly head, you’d already have the means to make your survival gardening tasks a whole lot simpler. 10 Great Reasons To Try Raised Bed Gardening

Last Minute Tips

Now that you know several of the reasons why a wheelbarrow, wagon, or yard cart is extremely necessary to have when you’re a prepper, let’s take a look at some ways that you can get the most out of them. 

  • Pay attention to the overall weight of what you plan on transporting. If it’s too heavy, you’re defeating the entire purpose.
  • Take the extra initiative to build up the sides of your wagon or yard cart so that you’re able to load more supplies into them. You can use sheets of plywood or even tie-downs to help keep everything in.
  • A wheelbarrow in some situations may not be the best way to go. 4-wheel tools like wagons and yard carts have the weight more evenly distributed on each of their wheels.
  • The bigger the circumference of the wheels, the better. The larger the wheels, the less rolling resistance you’ll experience, especially if you have to transport your supplies through a field.
  • Soft terrain can become a huge problem for smaller wheels. Fat tires on your wagon will keep it from sinking into the sand or dirt as easily. 
  • You can also use a mountain bike that has a pull-behind carrier to help you transport your supplies quicker. 
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What is a wheelbarrow?

A wheelbarrow is a small hand-propelled vehicle, usually with just one wheel, designed to be pushed and guided by a single person using two handles at the rear. It is commonly used for carrying small loads of soil, gravel, or other materials for gardening, construction, or other manual labor tasks.

What is a wagon for transporting?

A wagon is a four-wheeled vehicle designed for transporting heavy goods or large numbers of people, usually pulled by horses or other draft animals. They have a flatbed platform with low sides or no sides and are often used for farmwork or transportation of goods in rural areas. In modern times, wagons have been replaced by trucks for most commercial transportation purposes.

More Tips for Gathering Emergency Supplies

Final Word

My friends, the wheel was invented for a reason! Why not put it to good use? So, be sure to save your back by having a wheelbarrow, yard cart, or wagon to assist you in the unfortunate event that you’re forced to evacuate your home. But in the meantime, these indispensable tools will still be helpful for those of you who spend time in your gardens. What are some other last-minute tips or reasons why these invaluable tools for transporting emergency supplies would be necessary? I’d love to hear from you! May God Bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Old Wooden Cart with Firewood Depositphotos_492907246_S

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  1. IF you’ve reached this point then you have something of value. I learned at an early age that anything you have of value someone will try and take it even in good times. You MUST have an overwatch of someone who is armed that isn’t working to protect you. The reason they aren’t working is so they can shoot better without breathing hard and their eyes are up and not down looking at where they step.
    Print hard maps of your surrounding area. Where is the nearest water? Wood? Food?
    Learn to operate at night. Less people ,less vision, possibly safer. Move in bad weather for the same reasons.

    We deer hunt a place that doesn’t allow motor vehicles which is good. We’ve drug, sledded and carted and the cart works best for us there because of Buffalo grass and the terrain. It’s also a very useful tool around here too

    1. Hi Matt, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment. I have always admired the skills and knowledge you have. Your comment gave me insight that I hadn’t even thought of. I have always believed I would bug in but we never know for sure what may happen in our communities. We need to know where the nearest water is, wood and food would be needed as well. We can only haul so much. Thank you, Linda

  2. Linda, we have wheelbarrows and garden carts for manually toting stuff around. I also have a 18′ x 8′ enclosed trailer that hooks to a hitch on my E-250 (in which I can fit 15′ long items, when it isn’t being used as a storage shed for future garage sale items like it is now). I also have an extremely useful small trailer I can hook behind my ATV. It’s great for hauling rocks, dirt, mulch, game and miscellaneous stuff. Best to have several options when it comes to hauling things.

    When I used to hunt elk in Colorado I had a small cart that I made with one end supported by two bicycle wheels. The other end of the cart was attached to a backpack. Made transporting large game out to my truck much easier.

    1. HI Ray, oh I LOVE this, it was hooked to a backpack!! I love hearing about all the options people have that can be used when needed. Elk meat is the best! Linda

  3. Also worth remembering that quite a variety of animals can be used for pulling a variety of transport. Horses, ponies, cattle (yes, even the milch cow!)–but goats used to be a 19th-century (and before) children’s cart animal. And yes, dogs–remembering stories like “Dog of Flanders” and “Arlo”–they can both carry small packs and pull a small cart. If you don’t have a cart, a simple travois is easy to put together with a pair of poles.

  4. There are some interesting hiking trailers out there, the one I really want is too expensive so I’m making my own out of a canoe/kayak mover. The Radical Designs Wheelie seems well designed. I’ve modified baby strollers to carry a pack and made special purpose bags for them to transport groceries. I walk with two canes but the stroller offers enough support to replace them as long as there is weight in it. I have a collapsible water bag to use as weight when leaving home with an empty cart. Then it just gets emptied and tucked away as needed. I’ve also used my rollator to move an amazing amount of stuff with custom made bags. Jogging strollers with big wheels are ideal. Unfortunately strollers usually have fairly low weight limits but even kids can move 30 to 50 pounds or more using one as long as the terrain isn’t too rough. Anything with at least three wheels that carries the weight on the device is preferable to a two wheeled thing that drags on your arms. I spent many years dragging gear from home to a part time shack on public transportation and walking and quickly tired with two wheel carts. You can also add extra wheels on an upright two wheeled cart so it can be dropped down and dragged behind.

    1. HI Alice, oh my goodness, you shared so many ways we can haul stuff!! Thank you!! I love the 3-wheels compared to 2 wheels idea. It makes sense. Love it, Linda

  5. if you live in the Frozen North >>> don’t forget the sled for the wintertime …

    very similar construction qualities to a pull cart is necessary >> large enough to accommodate the cargo loads – durable enough to handle the load vs the terrain – DIY repairable – constructed of lightweight materials to help reduce the overall pull weight ….

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