Power Grid Failure: What You Will Need
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Power Grid Failure: What You Will Need

You may be under the false assumption that a massive power grid failure is only something you’d witness while watching an eerie, apocalyptic film. But the truth is, it’s one of the most likely disasters that could occur. Over the past few decades, there have been dozens of massive electrical blackouts worldwide that have left hundreds of millions of people without power. Emergency Radio, Goal Zero Crush Light, Solar Flashlight, Flashlights

It’s even happened a handful of times in the United States over the past few years, so don’t think it only happens to third-world countries. That prompted me to update this post from a few years ago. Keep reading to understand Power Grid Failure: What You Will Need. 

Power Grid Failure: What You Will Need

Power Grid Failure: What You Will Need 

On December 20th, 2013, an unforgiving massive ice storm swept its way across parts of the US and central Canada, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in the dark. Many of them experienced a long-term power outage. It meant that they didn’t have a way of heating their homes for a week or two.

Could you imagine if this were to happen to your family in the dead of winter? And think about if it were to go on for several days. Would you be prepared and have enough supplies to manage? Chances are…probably not. Here’s what you will need if a power grid failure were to wreak havoc in your area. 

Few people understand that we only have three main power grids in the US, and one covers Texas. That means most of our country is subject to a power grid failure if only one grid goes down! There are those within the prepping community who expect an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) event to happen at any time. We all would be severely affected since all electronic devices would be made inoperable, including our late-model cars, computer systems, heating systems, and so much more.

Drinking Water

Drinking water is one of your family’s most crucial items after a disaster. Chances are, the water supply from your kitchen sink will no longer be an option. The water coming into our homes are pumped there by a local water utility company. If their power goes out, water becomes scarce quickly. Experts will tell you that you need to have at least a 2 week supply of drinking water for you and everyone in your household. 

On average, a person uses about 1 gallon of water a day for drinking and sanitary purposes. That means that if you have 4 people in your family, you’ll need to stock up a minimum of 56 gallons of water to get through a two-week period. That’s one of those large barrels people like to use to store water.

You may also want to think about learning several different methods to purify your drinking water as well.  I highly recommend 4 gallons per person per day, I get thirsty just thinking I would be limited to one gallon per day. Remember, you’ll want some water to cook with, possibly clean at least your underwear, possibly wash some dishes, etc. That’s on top of the need to stay hydrated and perform personal hygiene chores.

I suggest you consider having a water filtration system. I like products from Big Berkey and PortaWell. If you have other sources for water, like a rain gutter capture tank, pond, swimming pool, etc., you’ll find having a quality system is well worth the expense.

Stockpile of Food

There are a few things that you need to consider when stockpiling enough food for your family. Plan on having enough food for 3 meals a day (including snacks) that will last you at least 2 weeks. Try and choose meals that don’t require much heating of the food in a microwave or your electric stove. Also, with no power, there will need to be food items that don’t need to be refrigerated. That fridge can keep things reasonably well for a couple of days if the door stays shut. You want more days of inventory than that. The same goes for opening the freezer doors.

Read More of My Articles  How To Wash Clothes When The Power Goes Out

Speaking of your freezer, if you have a full freezer, the items tend to help each other stay cold. Yes, you do run the risk of losing the food to spoilage before the power returns. If you have a fair amount of meat, consider using your BBQ grill to cook it and then share it with family and friends before it spoils.

After all, the food in your refrigerator will probably go bad during this time unless you have a generator or other means of keeping those items cold. My suggestion to you is to gather plenty of non-perishable food items that your family is used to, which will last for an indefinite amount of time. 

First Aid

Chances are high that you’ll probably be cooped up at home, where you already have a first aid kit on hand. Just be sure that you have plenty of bandages, antibiotic ointments, and thermometers. You’ll also need over-the-counter medicines to treat flu and cough, diarrhea, and help reduce headaches. In case you missed this post, 35 OTC Medications You Should Store


Sanitation is usually the one that everyone forgets about, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not one of the most important that you need to remember. Proper sanitation helps you maintain good hygiene and helps keep everyone from getting sick.

So, think about having an extra supply of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, baby wipes for cleaning, trash bags, and toilet paper.

Most toilets in our homes will flush when water is poured down them, even when the power is out. If this is true for you, right after the power has gone out, go ahead and fill up your bathtub and washing machines with water. You’ll need the water to use for flushing and washing BEFORE you lose power. Most water systems in municipalities are supported by huge pumps and most of those run on electricity. No power, no water. Hard to imagine that happening in your area? Be prepared with the water mentioned above. 

Flashlights with Extra Batteries

Ensure you have several flashlights and lanterns so you’re not left in the dark. Don’t forget to have an abundance of batteries for backup, too. I like my solar flashlights. I keep them on my window sills so they stay charged by the sun all the time.

If appropriately configured, you can also use a solar panel system to charge those flashlights. Check the owner’s manual for the proper application.

You can use candles as a backup system for lighting. I always worry that my readers may have a fire if they don’t follow necessary safety precautions, particularly if they have young children. 


What happens if a power outage takes place during winter? You’ll need some way to keep your family warm. Those of you who have a fireplace or a wood stove, be sure to have plenty of wood or other fuel to keep them burning. Your family might be fine since you have a natural gas furnace. Just remember, furnaces push and pull the air in your home with electrical fans/blowers. Some people will rely on a backup power source like a generator. Those are great, but you need a large one to run heating and air conditioning systems and appliances. You do have the issue of fuel for the generator to deal with.

Read More of My Articles  11 Ways To Prepare Your Family For Survival

If you don’t have any of those, you can heat rocks and place them in a Dutch oven or heat-safe cookware to provide your family with extra warmth. Whichever heating method you decide on, be sure to have a fire extinguisher close by just in case.    

Moving everyone into a smaller room with a towel covering the crack under the door will allow their body heat to help raise the temperature in the room as well. Quick and easy access to warmer clothing is also something to consider. Be sure to have plenty of blankets and warm sleeping bags so that everyone can get a good night’s sleep.

Have extra changes of clothing available for every family member. If the grid is down due to hurricanes or floods from an extreme weather event, you or others may get wet and need to change your clothes. 


You can’t depend on cellphones and landlines during a power grid failure. You need to consider having a hand-crank radio to alert and inform you of what’s going on in the outside world. If for whatever reason you or someone in your family has to separate, you’ll need to have a 2-way radio to keep in contact.   

Butane Stove

A Butane/Propane Stove will be a great tool to have for you to boil and heat up your meals and water for bathing a young child, etc. Be sure to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning by using the unit outside or in a room with plenty of outside ventilation. I used one of these for a few months, some years ago, when we had to wait for a gas line to be run to our kitchen for our new gas stove. I opened my sliding glass door for fresh air.

Gas-Powered Generator

As mentioned above, a gas-powered generator is more expensive, but it’s another great way for your family to be prepared for a power grid failure. Just remember that generators need fuel to run, and you’ll need an efficient way to store that fuel.

Additional Items to Consider

Your list of supplies will look slightly different from everyone else’s, depending on your family’s needs. Be sure to have all the essentials based on the uniqueness of your family. Some of these may include prescription medications, feminine hygiene products, diapers, and infant formula. Don’t dog or cat food for your pets, toiletries, specific care items for the older people in your home, and so forth. Plus, matches or a fire starter may be needed.

Remember that when the power does come on in this scenario there will be significant power spike or power surge to all the outlets in your home. We try to purchase quality surge protectors for all our electronics, including computers, TVs, appliances, and more.

We often picture a grid power failure from a natural disaster like a wildfire or earthquake. Electrical grids, or at least the section that serves your neighborhood can be fragile. Power lines can be knocked down by an auto accident, lightning, high winds, etc. Even power transmission lines can be broken when your local utility is working to improve the power system infrastructure. That’s why it’s imperative that you have your emergency plan in place. Through thorough research and complete emergency preparedness steps you can sleep better at night knowing you’re prepared.

Final Word

This is not an exhaustive list of supplies that you need to have for a power grid failure, but your family will certainly have a greater chance of survival with them. What are some other supplies and items that you think would be necessary if this situation were to happen?

If you’re looking for an interesting read on the subject, check out the 12 biggest electrical blackouts in history. You may also want to read Ted Koppel’s book Lights Out. Please be prepared before you need to be. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Be Prepared For Power Outage Deposit photos_42881179_s-2019

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  1. We have all of these. Our generator is dual fuel. Gas or propane. I just got a crank style radio that will also charge a cell phone. We have the hurricane type oil lanterns and candles. I also have the stuff to make more candles. Matches, and butane lighters. I’ve tried to think of everything we might need.

      1. Just a thought for those with medical equipment, such as a CPAP, that require electrical power. A vehicle battery jump box with an inverter will give you approx. eight hours of run time. However, recharging may take more that twelve hours. Recommend two jump packs (three would be ideal) to establish a rotation as used up ones charge, some form of a generator (as long as fuel is available), and a solar source (I have solar panels, plus a wind generator, so I can charge at night if there is air movement). Yes, you are looking at $300+ dollars just in jump packs, but there are few, quicker, easier options

        1. Hi Jeff, thank you for bringing this up. I have so many families in my neighborhood that need to be prepared to have a source of power for their CPAP’s. I don’t know one family that has done anything to be prepared. I bought and was given several Goal Zero solar units to use for this very thing. I sure hope people realize we need solar and the items you mentioned. I always say, be prepared for the unexpected. Great comment, Linda

  2. We went through Hurricane Laura about 3/4 weeks ago and I learned a lesson here. I under compensated on how hot it would get inside the house. It got in the 90’s. We had food, water, sanitation, meds, fuel etc. but sent son and hubby down the road looking for food since it was too hot in the kitchen and outside cooking. We lived off a generator (we have two) with a 110 ac unit and mostly stayed in the back room. So what I’ve decided to do was buy another new 110 ac and will put it in my kitchen. I felt bad looking for food when I had all I needed right here and that someone else could have needed it. Lesson learned.

    1. HI Judy, wait please explain why you sent your son and hubby down the road looking for food. Was it because it was too hot to cook in your house? How long were you without power? Could you have eaten canned food by just opening the cans? I love learning, please help me understand. One day our A/C broke down and we were without air conditioning for 48 hours. It was 110 degrees outside. I had more insulation blown in the attic several years ago. I think that’s what saved us. The temperature in our home was at 80 degrees, it was tolerable. Thanks for any input to help me. Linda

  3. Hi Linda. Yep, it’s me. If the grid goes down from an EMP attack (either by the sun or human), one very important thing for people to know is this. Absolutely nothing electronic will work which includes everything from cell phones to automobiles (including batteries) unless they have been protected in a faraday cage. Not everyone knows this. Preppers know this, but the general public doesn’t. Just thought I would throw that info out.

    1. Hi Pam, I’m glad you brought this up. I have one problem with a Faraday cage, it’s just me. I can’t store everything I have in one because I use them every day. My fear is a total power grid outage. Our country is so behind the times in being able to replace our power grids. An EMP is second on my list. Both issues will be bad, for sure. It’s not if our power grids go down, but when. Stay safe and thank you for the reminder. Linda

      1. Linda, the Faraday cage is used to store spare items, not your everyday items. It’s that old adage, Two is One, One is None. In this case one of the two is used constantly and the other one gets stored in the Faraday cage.

        Personally I prefer to have at least 3 of any item I expect to use daily, and keep two in separate Faraday cages. That way if I open one cage at just the wrong time, I should still be able to count on the items in the other cage. Overkill? Probably, but I was going to stock the items anyway and buying an extra couple of galvanized trash cans didn’t cost all that much. When used with cardboard lining the can and aluminum foil wrapped around the items (which are either wrapped in paper or in their boxes) gives me a good chance of having spares survive a nuclear EMP.

        But if you’re prepared with non-electric items to do everything you need, then it might not be worth it to spend the extra money and use up the extra space. Everyone has to make their own priorities based on their circumstances. I’m fortunate that I have extra room and can afford a few extra items just in case.

        1. Hi DMWalsh, nothing is overkill for me, I totally agree with you, more is better. I like your idea, it’s my phone, I’m worried about. It’s the cell towers that will not work. It’s a bonus to have non-electric items, we must all have them. Linda

          1. Yeah, cellphones are tricky. As long as its a non-nuclear EMP phones should be fine if they are unplugged before the storm hits (we should get at least 8 hours, maybe up to 48 hours, warning from solar scientists about an incoming CME and a potential geomagnetic storm.)

            Nuclear EMP will kill any devices not protected specifically against that level of threat, so cellphones have to be treated as sacrificial. I keep my photos backed up to a couple of USB flash drives and store those in a Faraday cage, and I try to keep my phone unplugged most of the time. But if we get hit by a nuclear EMP (or some other super-EMP weapon) then I know that it won’t matter how careful I am. It’s why I have some walkie talkies in the Faraday cages to talk to folks in my circle if we have to separate at all (foraging, refilling water at the river, etc.)

            Of course if the grid goes down due to cyber attack then cellphones will work once things come back and the phone itself can be used offline as long as you have a way to charge it (solar panel, generator, etc.)

            Some things are just out of our control, so the best we can do is prepare what we can and plan to work around things that might break that we can’t help. Be safe out there!

          2. Hi DMWalsh, a power grid outage is my biggest concern. We only have three grids that supply power, the East Coast One, the West Coast One and the Texas power grid. I guess because I have talked many times with Hank Brown who is a Cyber Warfare Attack Specialist. He is more worried about our power grids than an EMP. He’s written two books, we both talked about how many time we both read the book “lights Out” by Ted Koppel. I just hope I get into my new home before something major hits. All my food storage and emergency preps are in climate controlled storage units for 2-1/2 years now. Let’s all be safe. Linda

  4. Yes they were looking for food and I like learning to. And yes it was extremely hot in and out of the house to cook. We opened all doors to get a breeze, fortunately we have screens on the doors to keep insects outside. The humidity was horrible, almost stifling and the mosquitos were horrible. We were out of power for about a week. When the electricity came on, it kept going off and on. Yes we had canned food like spam, peanut butter, vienna sausage but they eat so much of it they didn’t want it. I did open a few of my #10 cans and we ate cranberries, dry foods like that but it was not a good hot meal. One day I cooked off of the gas stove and I was sweating from head to toe. I have high blood pressure so when I get hot it goes up, crazy but it does. Oh btw, we have three battery powered fans, ceiling fans and a large orange oscillating fan. My husband would rotate the wattage used in the house so we could take baths. My sister has a generac and she was out the same time we were and said when she called to get butane for her generator the cost was $500.00. We stored gas fuel before we left as we knew what would happen, just messed up on the heat. We own a 5th wheel RV and took a lot of food with us. When we had Hurricane Rita back in 2005, we learned a lot from it and that is where the RV comes in. Great investment. I could write a book here Linda. LOL.

    1. Hi Judy, you are the right person to write a book or tell me and I will quote you. Those of us who just saw those hurricanes on TV, it’s just not the same. I interviewed someone who I watched grow up that had to evacuate Hurricane Katrina. He was going to school at Tulane. His parents are our best friends and I was so scared waiting to see if he was able to get out of there with his family. Life is precious, and being ready to evacuate is critical. Stay safe, Linda

  5. You all realize our grandparents hadn’t heard of air conditioning… as well as hundreds of generations before them. 90 degrees is t hot if you live in the South.

    Next time, give it a try. You missed a great opportunity to live off the grid.

    1. I live in Southeast Texas and it is hot. Yes our ancestors did not have air conditioners but we are living in a different age and being spoiled to air conditioning is rough.

  6. I think the thing I worry about the most is power outage/failure during the winter. I am well stocked with food and hygiene items but during the winter, I would have no heat at all. One of your posts a while back suggested (strongly) that we stock up on blankets and quilts. I have lots of them! And for a single person (as my daughter will attest) I have enough to bury myself many times over!! I don’t think I will freeze but I won’t be really comfortable either.

    I recall a trip my daughter and I took 25 years ago during the winter. We took the bus to visit my father over Christmas. The weather was so bad that we were not sure we would make it home at all! Well, we did but what we found was that there had been a terrible ice storm causing a major power outage. The power was out for 2 1/2 weeks! Fortunately, I had a number of kerosene lamps (antiques) and had kerosene for them. We cracked our kitchen window and spent a lot of time at the kitchen table – reading, coloring, and eating. My daughter was 10 at the time and she thought it was great!! As for cooking, I did have a camp stove that we used on the porch to heat soup but for the most part we ate sandwiches. Because of the kerosene lamps in the kitchen, we stayed relatively warm. Our kitchen was sort of closed off and those lamps put out enough heat to keep us, if not toasty warm, at least not freezing as many of our neighbors were.

    What I learned about myself is that I am pretty self-reliant and prepared for most things that might happen. If I know about a storm coming in, I fill the bath tub and washer; make sure that I have plenty of water and fuel for my camp stove; keep canned soups and other canned foods that can be eaten out of the can or heated quickly and easily on my camp stove. BUT, this is temporary. If we have a true grid down situation where the power is out for more than a couple of weeks, I may have some difficulties: staying warm being the most prominent but I will dress in layers, bundle up in blankets with a good book after I make my coffee or tea and just relax for however long I need to!!

    1. Hi Leanne, you are so experienced in survival I know you can figure out what to do. I love it! Ice storms are the worst. My biggest fear is the total power grid attack. I wish people would read “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel. It’s not fiction, it’s the real deal. Stay safe, Linda

      1. Lights Out a fantastic book. You got me started on prepping Linda, that book really got me prepared. After that read One Second After and after that the series 299 Days, a 10 book series. I read them several years ago and now I tell my husband, oh crap, it’s happening, just like 299 Days.

        1. Hi Melissa, oh I love hearing this! I got bored with One Second After, I’m not keen on fantasy type books. They could have written one page on what the whole book was about, but that’s just me. Please tell me about the series 299 Days. Did you read “5 Days at Memorial”? True stories about Hurricane Katrina. It’s an eye-opener. Thanks for the tip on the 299 Days. I will see how it looks! Linda

          1. I agree about One Second AFter, I didn’t finish it. I read Five Days At Memorial. Fantastic book about courage under pressure. 299 Days is a book about what would happen if our government collapsed. Very good book and I feel very realistic about what would happen. I just got Pandemic, written in 201, about a pandemic that is unleashed in various parts of the world, fictional. I’ll let you know how it goes, long read 700 pages.

    2. I’m in a similar situation with no fireplace or wood stove for heat, but plenty of wool blankets, comforters, etc. as our first line of defense. But for the worst case days I also have a big buddy propane heater that I can use with our 20 pound propane tanks. Hopefully it never comes to that, but in a long term grid down scenario it’s nice to have it just in case….

  7. Don’t forget to have matches (and/or various lighters). You’ll need them for lighting most stoves during a power outage–as well as any lamps or candles, or other fires for heating or cooking.

    Having a few good insulated containers (Thermoses of various sizes, as well as “coolers”) is a good idea. You can make hot food or drinks and put them in those containers to stay at least warm, so you needn’t keep them over a heat source. Or the reverse, in hot weather. Having something to warm you up without immediately heating it can be such a luxury!

    And I agree, our ancestors *had* to manage without AC and with far less heat. It’s a good idea to learn to set the AC (if you have it–we still don’t) to a higher temp, and the heat to a lower temp, than you *think* you need. (I.e., you don’t need a sweater with the AC, and you should be wearing longies even when the heat is on!) You’ll mind it less when you have to do without–and you’ll save electricity or other fuel!

    1. HI Rhonda, great comment! I have lived in homes that really didn’t need air conditioning. Living here in the desert is a bit more of a challenge. That’s why I was excited to see that for 48 hours we could get by at 80 degrees with the temps being around 110 degrees outside. It was a great test for anyway. I need to go add matches, thank you.Stay safe, Linda

  8. Linda, we store all or most of our batteries, extra lightbulbs, radios, walkie-talkies, etc., in our homemade faraday cage. It’s a new large metal trashcan lined with cardboard inside. We keep it in a closet under our staircase for easy access. If I were smart, I’d put our cell phones, computers, and iPads in every night, too. You’d be surprised how much this can will hold.

  9. Heating: A nice fireplace or wood burning stove is nice. And remember to clean the Flue if used a lot.
    Story: We had a fireplace and imagine my dismay when a Firetruck come to my house. Seems my 4 year old was burning paper in the alley and caught the neighbors fence on fire.
    Sooo. I channeled his inner firebug .. taught him how to light the fireplace and made it his official duty. No more Firetrucks!!! YEAH !!

    1. Hi Mary, oh my gosh, this is so funny, not funny!! You know what I mean!! I’m so glad he is now your fireplace starter!! Wow, glad only the fence got burned. Thanks for the reminder to keep our flues cleaned. Linda

  10. There are propane heaters that might work for those not able to have fireplace or woodstove. We have 2 & have used them to keep my tent warm back when I attended dogshows as a vendor in winter months. We’ve also used them in the house when there was a problem with the furnace when we first bought this house. We kept a window cracked open as well as kept the propane heater away from galloping canines & any upholstered chairs or carpeting.

    There are also terra cotta heaters that use candles to generate heat. Lots of instructional articles online!

    I’m intrigued by the concept. 2 terra cotta planter pots & a terra cotta planter bottom! They look simple to make & materials are pretty inexpensive. Could even warm food in a can or small pot on a terra cotta heater. Or set a rock near the terra cotta heater to warm up & then put the rock into a sleeping bag to take the chill out.

    1. Hi BDN, I have never tried propane heaters, I read people use them all the time. I saw those terra cotta planters somewhere. I don’t want to store them so I didn’t go that route. But I also live in the desert so it doesn’t get really cold very many days of the year. One year it was bad, like really cold, and people had frozen pipes. We knew what to do, just open cabinets that are on outside walls or let the faucets drip a little. Great tips, Linda

  11. It’s not a bit too soon to let your family members know that you would like survival items for Mothers Day and Fathers Day gifts. I’m in my 70s and don’t want want or need any more cutesy things for my house or bedroom slippers. Over the years, I have given my children screen shots of items on Amazon that I would like to have. It’s how I have acquired an extensive library of HOW TO books, a number of cast iron cookware pieces, canning jars, solar oven, solar phone chargers, solar lanterns like Goal Zero Crush light and Luminaid lights, an indoor clothes drying rack, food grade buckets, and specialty plastic boxes like my divided box for spools of thread and under-bed storage boxes with wheels. My children know I am prepping for THEIR survival and not so much my own. For my daughter’s 45th birthday, I gave her a gift, but I also gave her an envelope with $100 in $5 bills because I think the banking system will be the next to be hacked and she will need lunch money at work. I don’t anticipate a full on grid down disaster until winter, because it would do the most harm then.

    1. Hi Angela, you are amazing with what you have done prepping! I totally agree we don’t need anything cutesy or bedroom slippers for sure. LOL! That was a great comment! I love your idea of giving 5 dollar bills to your daughter. What a blessing. I wish everyone realized the need to be prepared for thee unexpected. Love your thoughts, Linda

  12. I just bought a 2nd “Mission Darkness” Faraday bag in case some EMP happens next week in conjunction with whatever the Elites throw at us during the Eclipse! Those bags are pretty pricey, but I feel they will save my electronics and Medical webinar memory sticks I have purchased. THEY ARE MILITARY GRADE PROTECTION!! You can get them through Amazon, but the prices keep going up, except that the waterproof bag that looks kind of like a military-style duffle bag is only $90 or something like that. It holds a LOT! I just finally convinced my husband to put several cell phones in there last night, as he is a skeptic most days. He even complained about not wanting more JUNK around here, meaning he was ticked about me filling the rest of our Water Bricks and having a Berkey Filter, a couple of extra black filters and accessories from a company that went out of business and sold Berkey parts on clearance. Boy, I hope he needs to use that Camp Shower, too, and the “potty seat” to put over a 5 gallon bucket, and THEN tell me they are just extra ‘junk’!! GRRRRR….

    1. Hi Joyce, oh I have the giggles over your last sentence! Extra “junk” GRRRR…Yes he will need all that junk! LOL! Thanks for the tip on the Faraday bags. Stay safe, Linda

  13. Linda: I have a question and figured to put it up on here, so others can see your reply, too.
    I was thinking if I wanted to bake something in a loaf pan or something, couldn’t I just put my “Platinum brand” turkey roaster with “rack” insert on top of the camp griddle?? With the insert/rack inside, I think it should make sure the loaf pan is up above the bottom of the turkey roaster, so the food does not burn. Do you think that might work for a make-shift oven? I would never do this straight over a flame, though, as Platinum cookware is waaaay tooo expensive to destroy it overly hot flame!! I just figured perhaps placing it on top of the griddle with the flame turned part way down might work??? I think a person would have to double check a bit to see how the loaf is baking, though! What do you think?

    1. HI Joyce, wow, I thought my All Clad pans were expensive. No, I wouldn’t put that pan over a fire. Please get a Dutch oven, put a rack in it and bake it over charcoal (top and bottom). I’m not sure a Dutch oven would work on a griddle, it needs heat on the bottom and the top. Have you seen my post on making bread in a Thermal Cooker? You could use a loaf pan if it fit. Here’s another idea. Linda https://www.foodstoragemoms.com/how-to-make-bread-in-a-thermal-cooker/

  14. Hi Linda, we have just had a 4.8 earthquake in New York City. I heard all up and down the East Coast felt the earthquake also. I have no damage to my apartment. Our Church Seniors of which I am one are all ok. I took my BOB bag out to check it and am glad I did. I found out that the crank on my radio is not working but the batteries are working, I will order another one. I have everything else including water, but will be getting a heater and extra blankets before it gets cold. Thanks for all that you do to help us be prepared for anything. Who’d thunk it would happen in New York. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Hi Mildred, oh my gosh, I saw that! Who would have guessed in New York City!!!!! I’m so glad you checked in with us. I’m so glad you are okay, my sweet friend! Good idea to check everything out, that includes all of us, great reminder! Stay safe, Hugs, Linda

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