picture of a book titled prepare your family for survival. the book is black and yellow

Are You Prepared For The Unexpected?

Are you prepared for the unexpected? I have a giveaway going on today for my book! I am hoping by now all of my readers realize I was asked to write a book called Prepare Your Family For Survival. Page Street Publishing was so great to work with. My publisher, Will Kiester, editors, Sarah Monroe and Claire Kowalchik were amazing to work with as they guided me through the process of writing a book. I had never planned on writing a book, to tell you the truth. My goal with my blog was to teach the world to be prepared for the unexpected. It is not a doomsday blog or a doomsday book.

It’s a family-friendly book packed with information everyone in the world needs to learn beforehand if a disaster or unforeseen emergency occurs. My book goes into a lot more detail than anything I have written on my blog. I think having the paperback hardcover copy is critical if the power goes out, your water supply becomes contaminated, and more. I would love to have you sit down with your family and review a few chapters a month. Knowledge is everything when it comes to being prepared.

Are You Prepared?

My friend sent me some pictures of her darling grandson reading my book at a family activity and I asked her if I could share the pictures on my post today. Does this picture just melt your heart, or what? My book is family-friendly and yet teaches the world to be prepared in every way. Just a note, I purposely did not include anything about weapons in my book. I believe that is a personal thing and I wanted my book to be one that could be used to teach emergency preparedness at companies, church groups, or in family settings.

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The book first appeared on bookshelves last December. Many of my friends and neighbors pre-ordered the book so they could have it ready as Christmas gifts for their families. It has been used as a manual in various Emergency Preparedness classes and seminars. I hope you win the book, but if not, please check it out, you’ll be glad you did and it may prompt you to purchase one.


Here are a few of the items I cover in my book:

  1. water storage and preservation
  2. food storage and checklists for how much you may need
  3. emergency cooking devices
  4. first-aid ideas

Some of my favorite items for survival:

Final Word

If you’re interested in reading my book, go ahead and give it a try! Get your copy of the book right here: Prepare Your Family For Survival.

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  1. Linda I just wanted to let you know I thought about you today – my hot water heater sprang a leak about 2:00 this afternoon. Well, that’s when we discovered it! It’s quite old so we’ve been keeping an eye on it and since it’s in a closet in the carport that means I peeked in there every day. The plumber will be here at 8 in the morning but meanwhile we’ve turned off the water to the house. We showered before we did that – very cold – but I felt more than adequately prepared because I have water stored, just as you’ve advised! In addition my Big Berkey was full and I also have several jars canned – when I don’t have a full canner I always can water in the other empty spots. Since we live on a lake we have plenty of water for flushing toilets, etc. Of course, I am reminded that we need more! That’s for your reminders about this! blessings, marlene

    1. HI Marlene, my water heater went out about a year or so ago! We showered in cold showers as well! I told Mark this is a training experience if we lose power! LOL! I’m glad to hear you have a Big Berkey, I have one as well! They are perfect for purifying our water! I have never canned water! I’m taking a Master Preserver Canning Certification class only because I want the certification from the government on my website. It scares me when I see people can eggs and butter. I have been canning every food I can get my hands on for about 50 years but I still want that piece of paper so I can teach the world the things they should not can. I have never canned any meat, though. The class will teach me that. Let our water bath canners and pressure canners keep up with us! Hugs, Linda

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